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  • HelpOnLinking . . . . 13 matches
          * InterWiki links.
          * InterWiki
          * MeatBall:InterWiki
          * wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki
          * [wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki]
          * [wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki InterWiki page on MeatBall]
          * InterWiki
          * MeatBall:InterWiki
          * wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki
          * [wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki]
          * [wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki InterWiki page on MeatBall]
  • InterWiki . . . . 5 matches
         List of valid InterWiki names this wiki knows of:
         MoinMoin marks the InterWiki links in a way that works for the MeatBall:ColourBlind and also is MeatBall:LynxFriendly by using a little icon with an ALT attribute. If you hover above the icon in a graphical browser, you'll see to which Wiki it refers. If the icon has a border, that indicates that you used an illegal or unknown BadBadBad:InterWiki name (see the list above for valid ones). BTW, the reasoning behind the icon used is based on the idea that a Wiki:WikiWikiWeb is created by a team effort of several people.
         See the wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki page on wiki:MeatBall:MeatballWiki for further details.
  • HelpOnMacros . . . . 3 matches
         ||{{{[[InterWiki]]}}} || a list of all known InterWiki names || InterWiki ||
  • InterMap . . . . 1 match
          See InterWiki MoniWiki:InterMapIcon
  • WikiSandBox . . . . 1 match
         HelpOnEditing MoinMoin:InterWiki
  • king/2004-01 . . . . 1 match
         A WikiWikiWeb is a collaborative hypertext environment, with an emphasis on easy access to and modification of information. This wiki is also part of the InterWiki space.
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